Circuitos Integrados

BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/driver
PDF datasheet
D1 1  • 16 Vcc
D2 2 15 Qg
LT 3 14 Qf
BL 4 13 Qa
LE 5 12 Qb
D3 6 11 Qc
D0 7 10 Qd
GND 8 9 Qe
Pin Symbol Description
1 D1 BCD input
2 D2 BCD input
3 LT lamp test (lights all segments, active low)
4 BL blank (active low)
5 LE latch enable (active high)
6 D3 BCD input
7 D0 BCD input
8 GND ground
9 Qe segment output
10 Qd segment output
11 Qc segment output
12 Qb segment output
13 Qa segment output
14 Qf segment output
15 Qg segment output
16 Vcc supply voltage

  • Pins for lit segments are high. The 4511 can directly drive a common cathode LED display.
  • Display is blanked for inputs greater than 9.

Data is maintained by an independent source and accuracy is not guaranteed. Check with the manufacturer's datasheet for up-to-date information.