Integrated Circuits

Dual operational amplifier
PDF datasheet
1OUT 1  • 8 Vcc
1IN- 2 7 2OUT
1IN+ 3 6 2IN-
GND 4 5 2IN+
Pin Symbol Description
1 1OUT Output 1
2 1IN- Inverting input 1
3 1IN+ Non-inverting input 1
4 GND Ground
5 2IN+ Non-inverting input 2
6 2IN- Inverting input 2
7 2OUT Output 2
8 Vcc Supply voltage

(typical values under recommended operating conditions, unless specified)
Parameter Value Unit
Supply voltage ±22 V
Differential input voltage ±13 V
Input voltage Supply voltage V
Power dissipation (8-DIP) 1100 mW
Power dissipation (8-SOP) 500 mW
Operating temperature range 0~70 °C

Data is maintained by an independent source and accuracy is not guaranteed. Check with the manufacturer's datasheet for up-to-date information.