Integrated Circuits

5W audio power amplifier
PDF datasheet
BYPASS 1  • 14 Vcc
IN+ 2 13 NC
GND 3 12 GND
GND 4 11 GND
GND 5 10 GND
IN- 6 9 NC
Pin Symbol Description
1 BYPASS bypass
2 IN+ non-inverting input
3 GND ground (heat sink)
4 GND ground (heat sink)
5 GND ground (heat sink)
6 IN- inverting input
7 GND ground
8 OUT output
9 NC no connection
10 GND ground (heat sink)
11 GND ground (heat sink)
12 GND ground (heat sink)
13 NC no connection
14 Vcc supply voltage

(typical values under recommended operating conditions, unless specified)
Parameter Value Unit
Maximum supply voltage 26 V
Minimum supply voltage 12 V
Maximum peak current 1.3 A
Maximum input voltage ±0.5 V
Output power 5 W
Bandwidth 450 kHz
Gain 50 V/V
Input impedance 150 k Ω

Data is maintained by an independent source and accuracy is not guaranteed. Check with the manufacturer's datasheet for up-to-date information.