Integrated Circuits

Octal buffer/line driver; 3-state; inverting
PDF datasheet
OE 1 1  • 20 Vcc
A0 2 19 OE 2
A1 3 18 Y 0
A2 4 17 Y 1
A3 5 16 Y 2
A4 6 15 Y 3
A5 7 14 Y 4
A6 8 13 Y 5
A7 9 12 Y 6
GND 10 11 Y 7
Pin Symbol Description
1 OE 1 output enable (active low)
2 A0 data input
3 A1 data input
4 A2 data input
5 A3 data input
6 A4 data input
7 A5 data input
8 A6 data input
9 A7 data input
10 GND ground
11 Y 7 bus output
12 Y 6 bus output
13 Y 5 bus output
14 Y 4 bus output
15 Y 3 bus output
16 Y 2 bus output
17 Y 1 bus output
18 Y 0 bus output
19 OE 2 output enable (active low)
20 Vcc supply voltage

(typical values under recommended operating conditions, unless specified)
Parameter Value Unit
Propagation delay, An to Y n 9 (74HC)
11 (74HCT)

Data is maintained by an independent source and accuracy is not guaranteed. Check with the manufacturer's datasheet for up-to-date information.