$00 |
Voice 1 frequency low byte |
$01 |
Voice 1 frequency high byte |
$02 |
Voice 1 pulse width low byte |
$03 |
Voice 1 pulse width high byte (bits 3-0) |
$04 |
Voice 1 control (gate, sync, ring mod, waveform) |
$05 |
Voice 1 attack/decay rates |
$06 |
Voice 1 sustain level/release rate |
$07 |
Voice 2 frequency low byte |
$08 |
Voice 2 frequency high byte |
$09 |
Voice 2 pulse width low byte |
$0A |
Voice 2 pulse width high byte (bits 3-0) |
$0B |
Voice 2 control (gate, sync, ring mod, waveform) |
$0C |
Voice 2 attack/decay rates |
$0D |
Voice 2 sustain level/release rate |
$0E |
Voice 3 frequency low byte |
$0F |
Voice 3 frequency high byte |
$10 |
Voice 3 pulse width low byte |
$11 |
Voice 3 pulse width high byte (bits 3-0) |
$12 |
Voice 3 control (gate, sync, ring mod, waveform) |
$13 |
Voice 3 attack/decay rates |
$14 |
Voice 3 sustain level/release rate |
$15 |
Filter cutoff frequency low byte |
$16 |
Filter cutoff frequency high byte (bits 2-0) |
$17 |
Filter resonance/control |
$18 |
Filter mode/volume control |
$19 |
POTX value (0-255), updated every 512 clock cycles |
$1A |
POTY value (0-255), updated every 512 clock cycles |
$1B |
Upper 8 bits of Oscillator 3 value (random number if noise waveform is selected) |
$1C |
Upper 8 bits of Voice 3 envelope generator value |