Integrated Circuits

12-stage binary ripple counter
PDF datasheet
Q11 1  • 16 Vcc
Q5 2 15 Q10
Q4 3 14 Q9
Q6 4 13 Q7
Q3 5 12 Q8
Q2 6 11 MR
Q1 7 10 CP
GND 8 9 Q0
Pin Symbol Description
1 Q11 output
2 Q5 output
3 Q4 output
4 Q6 output
5 Q3 output
6 Q2 output
7 Q1 output
8 GND ground
9 Q0 output
10 CP clock input (high-to-low edge-triggered)
11 MR master reset (active high)
12 Q8 output
13 Q7 output
14 Q9 output
15 Q10 output
16 Vcc supply voltage

Data is maintained by an independent source and accuracy is not guaranteed. Check with the manufacturer's datasheet for up-to-date information.